Friday, 12 February 2016

School Life

School Life

When you're a small kid, just a teeny toddler
And you walk into the massive building called school
You're scared down to your last cell
You think rather than being educated, you should stay a fool

Ah ! But that's where you are dearly mistaken
For school is the best thing that will ever happen to you
For the people you meet and the things you learn
You come out of there a brand new you

And down that same road, I have been
And the road has come to an end now
But I have learnt much in my schooling life
And I have to leave, but I don't know how

It taught me math, though I didn't like it much
And it taught me science, I was alright
And it taught me all my speaking skills
It taught me what's wrong, and what's right

It inspired my writing skills, the reason I write this 
It taught me the true meaning of friendship
And the friends I have made here, they took me on a journey
A journey that will never end, I will always stay on this Friend Ship

I cried many tears in this place called school
But then it taught me how to stand up
And to face my problems, to face my fears
It provided me with the care and the love

I learnt how to be disciplined
I learnt all about time management
And how to adjust and care for another
Oh the countless hours in school we spend !

And I met the most amazing human beings
Be it teachers or my fellow school mates
Some appeared to be rather mean sometimes
But none of them I could ever hate

School is where I first played basketball
That happiness I get with ball in my hand
And wearing my school jersey proudly
Determined in court I stand

The endless gossip across the corridors
The teasing with your first school crush 
And the thrill in troubling a teacher
That punishment which gives you an adrenaline rush

Oh I'll miss these crazy times at school
I mean it from the bottom of my heart
It's all just brushed past me so fast
Up until now, right from the start

But memories last forever, these ones will for sure
The tears, the fears and all the happy times
They have made me who I am today
And oh it's been a great climb

And those who shared this journey with me
I couldn't thank you enough
For being there for me by my side
Through good times but also rough

So school you see is a magical place
And you'll miss it all when it's over
If I had the chance to do it all again
I would do it over and over

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