Saturday, 18 June 2016

It's Not The END

So today I read something that really bothered me, like REALLY. So this post went like this:      
Now, while I find it oh so cute and loving that we can think of our family like this, and the fact that I really do love my family, all the END references really troubled me. They say that "Friends are the Family you choose", so how can you say that all these, lets call them relationships, are bound to come to an end!? That is absolutely WRONG.
Isn't it sad, the fact that some people ACKNOWLEDGE that their friendships will never last, or their relationships for that matter!? That friend you were so close to in school or college, that boy or girl you probably said "I love you" to, that bestie you shared so many fun times with and hoped you would have more to come........and just admitting defeat to the course of time, giving up on these important people in life.
Ah Time! The devil that screws with everyone, that screws with all friendships, all relationships, for its own amusement I guess. And some so slowly, and some ever so quickly, you find friends disappearing from your lives. Fading. And soon enough you realize that you guys went from speaking or chatting everyday to hearing nothing from them for weeks, and then months and then years and soon enough that person doesn't even exist anymore.
WHY!? Why does this happen to such close friends, when they meant everything in the world to you and vice versa, but suddenly you find yourselves taking your own paths, and you never find that common ground for the both of you. And just like that, years of friendship and time spent together I just gone. Gone and forgotten. It breaks MY heart! So what if you're in different colleges!? So what if you have taken different streams!? SO WHAT!?
Understand the importance of FRIENDS people.........cause when you are alone, and the world seems like a dark, dark place, and your family can't help you anymore, you turn to your friends. But won't it be SO DRASTIC if there is no on to turn to!? No one to lend a shoulder, no one to support you!? No one to wipe your tears, no one to help you stand one, and you're all alone.
This post is 80% BULLSHIT. The 20% that's true!? Everything abut your family, and that's it. So please, hear me out when I say this, and I don't just say it I shout it out LOUD, cherish your family and cherish your friends. Love them with all your heart, and always put an effort into it, you won't regret it I SWEAR.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

1000 Pageviews


Thanks to all my beloved fans, who have viewed my page. It means a lot to me. Each and everyone of you thank you so much !!!! Love you all !!!

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

The Candle of Friendship

The candle stood, flame shining bright, alone but independent, fragile but confident, humble yet strong. 

Friendship, in all its glory and brightness, seems like the easiest thing. How hard can it be? To be friends with someone? But experienced people think otherwise. Friendship, may just be the easiest thing when the goings are good, and both people are happy, and so everyone is happy. But this isn't the case always.......

 The candle still stood, flame still shining bright. Still independent. Still confident. Still humble and still strong. But then, just then, a wind blew. A weak wind, but the flame flickered. The smallest flicker.........

Yes, friendship is easy. Easy, until there's a small problem that arises between you. A tiny, tiny problem, which you think can cause no harm. Ah! But you're mistaken here. And the worst thing you can do is dismiss the problem, without acknowledging it. 

 The wind might have started out weak, but it is certainly persistent. One small flicker after the other, the flame endures it, but it knows that it can no longer do it on its own. Independent people sometimes are dependent you know!?

So you dismissed the problem. But just like that wind, one small, dismissed problem after another, the tension between you two rises. You suddenly find yourself in such a position, that you're fading away, flickering out of existence.....

The flickering has slowed down, reduced. A hand now protects the flame on one side, but why does it continue to flicker? Because on other side, exposed to the raw wind, the flame is still dying, still fading. Slowly, but steadily disappearing. 

Effort from one side will never save your friendship, it will only sustain it for a certain amount of time. The end is inevitable, just like for that flame, if your friendship isn't protected and nourished from both sides.

 The candle stands now, strong again, protected on both sides by loving hands. Nurtured by these loving hands. It is no longer a flame, but a fire. A fire that will burn bright for eternity, because independent as it is, no one is alone in this world, not even a small flame.....

Problems arise in every friendship, every relationship. But all it takes is that small effort from both sides to keep the eternal fire of your friendship burning, and burning bright. Don't give up on your friends, put in that little effort, cause that's all it takes.